So erreichen Sie uns: +49 (0)89 64256-944 / csr(at)

The idea behind

Doing good and benefiting from it: most companies are committed to a social project. However mostly these projects are sporadic and often due to personal relationships situational and reactive. Therefore there are many reasons for a company to take advantage of the enormous communication chance that an innovative CSR project can offer as it makes the company more interesting and increases its value. This is the case for corporations as well as medium sized companies. In B 2 B business there is often a lack of attention concerning this topic– be it in PR, at the differing locations, in the sector as well as concerning the acquisition and loyalty of the management.

On the other hand there are classic aid organizations whose traditional donors are increasingly disappearing due to the growing competition in the stagnate donation market. It is necessary for you to gain new supporters and you want to strengthen the corporation. However you have little experience here concerning what communication methods a company needs. We bring the strategic and conceptual sides together by research local and international project executing organizations and then presenting

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